ECON 383
Cities, Regions and the Economy
Last Offered Spring 2021
Division II
This course is not offered in the current catalog

Class Details

Cities and urbanization can have significant impacts on the economy. In many developed economies, a process of regional decline is associated with older, industrial cities. In developing countries, the process of economic growth is generally associated with increasing urbanization. Urbanization, with its increasing concentration of population and production, puts particular pressure on markets to allocate resources for provision of land, housing, transportation, labor and public goods. Urbanization can alter the productivity of land, labor, and capital in ways that can improve the welfare of residents and the performance of the broader economy. In this course we will examine these conflicting economic forces and examine some recent research that contributes to our understanding of the difference between regional growth and decline, and the role that the urban structure plays in these processes. We will examine the function of land, housing, transportation, and labor markets in the urban context, and the scope for public policies to improve the performance of the regional economy.
The Class: Format: lecture
Limit: 20
Expected: 20
Class#: 5063
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Two midterms and a research paper on an approved topic that is at least 5000 words in length.
Prerequisites: ECON 251 or instructor's permission
Enrollment Preferences: Seniors and Juniors
Distributions: Divison II
Attributes: AMST Space and Place Electives
GBST Urbanizing World
POEC Depth

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Updated 4:21 pm

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