ENGL 234
The Video Essay Fall 2023 (also offered Spring 2024)
Division I
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Class Details

While people today experience an unprecedented flood of moving images, few have had the chance to think critically about film and video. Fewer still have had the opportunity to think with the medium, exploiting the resources of film and video in an effort to understand how these media affect viewers. The Video Essay offers a chance to do that. After being introduced to the fundamentals of film analysis and receiving training in basic video editing, students will spend the term alternating between making short video essays and commenting on the essays produced by their partners. Note that this is primarily a course in film analysis: students will not shoot any original material. No prior experience is required.
The Class: Format: tutorial/laboratory; We will meet together for three weeks, then break into groups of four. Students in each group will alternate weekly between creating video essays on film topics, and writing commentaries on the essays of their partner.
Limit: 12
Expected: 12
Class#: 1984
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: four written exercises (1-2 pages); five video essays, increasing from two to six minutes; and four written commentaries on one's partner's video essays.
Prerequisites: permission of the instructor
Enrollment Preferences: sophomores; first-year students; English majors
Distributions: Divison I
Attributes: ENGL post-1900 Courses

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