ENGL 158
Expository Writing: Contemporary Linked Stories
Last Offered Fall 2022
Division I W Writing Skills
This course is not offered in the current catalog

Class Details

In this expository writing and writing intensive course, we will read and write about several collections of linked short stories about altered states of mind and body, immigrant experiences, and the magic of everyday life. We will examine linked stories as a form organizing narratives that can stand alone, but that resonate powerfully with one another, sharing themes, settings, and sometimes even characters. Texts may include Denis Johnson’s Jesus’ Son, Bryan Washington’s Lot, Carmen Maria Machado’s Her Body and Other Parties, and Alice Munro’s Juliet stories. Class time will be split nearly equally between analysis of the assigned texts and active work with student writing, including freewriting, rewriting, sentence and paragraph workshops, peer editing, and writing strategy sessions.
The Class: Format: seminar
Limit: 12
Expected: 12
Class#: 1841
Grading: yes pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: 4 or 5 two-page assignments, two with required revisions; 4 five-page papers, all with required revisions; discussion participation; attendance.
Prerequisites: none
Enrollment Preferences: First preference goes to first-year students who have not received a 5 on AP LITERATURE or a 6 or 7 on the IB. Additional rules via English Department Website.
Distributions: Divison I Writing Skills
WS Notes: This course is dedicated to the teaching of college-level expository writing. Students will complete several assignment sequences that build from 2-page response papers to 5-page argumentative essays and that include required revisions at multiple stages. About half the class time will be spent discussing and practicing writing strategies and mechanics.
Attributes: ENGL Literary Histories C

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