ENVI 397
Independent Study of Environmental Problems
Fall 2024
Class Details
Individuals or groups of students may undertake a study of a particular environmental problem. The project may involve either pure or applied research, policy analysis, laboratory or field studies, or may be a creative writing or photography project dealing with the environment. A variety of nearby sites are available for the study of natural systems. Ongoing projects in the College-owned Hopkins Forest include ecological studies, animal behavior, and acid rain effects on soils, plants, and animals. Students may also choose to work on local, national, or international policy or planning issues, and opportunities to work with town and regional planning officials are available. Projects are unrestricted as to disciplinary focus. Students should consult with faculty well before the start of the semester in which they plan to carry out their project.
The Class:
Format: independent study
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
approval by the Chair of Environmental Studies
No divisional credit
Class Grid
Updated 5:19 am
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ENVI 397 - 01 (F) IND Ind Std:Environmental Problems
ENVI 397 - 01 (F) IND Ind Std:Environmental ProblemsTBA1279OpenNone