GBST 151
Global Questions, Global Frameworks Fall 2024
Division II D Difference, Power, and Equity

Class Details

In this foundational course in the Global Scholars Program, students will be introduced to an interdisciplinary approach to exploring critical global issues. The course is organized according to three key themes — sustainability, democracy, and indigeneity — which will structure our academic explorations in the fall semester and provide important context for on-site work in Santiago, Chile, during Winter Study. Students will engage these frameworks and concepts to consider global processes and examine the complexities of life on an increasingly overheated and fragmented planet. The first part of the course will explore critical topics in Global Studies and grapple with influential theories on climate change, sustainability, and human rights. The second part will be focused on a particular country and city — Chile and its capital of Santiago — and how overarching geopolitical tendencies impact the reality of life in that area as well as creative strategies emerging in local communities. One purpose of this module is to prepare students for their Winter Study trip to that region, where they will engage in research related to their academic interests. Only students admitted to the Global Scholars Program will be able to register for this course.
The Class: Format: seminar; Discussion-based class
Limit: 12
Expected: 12
Class#: 1065
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Participation in class discussions, reading course materials, engaging with our speakers, two 5-7 pp. papers and a final project.
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Preferences: Global Scholars Program Fellows
Distributions: Divison II Difference, Power, and Equity
DPE Notes: Taking an interdisciplinary approach to exploring critical global issues, students will grapple with difference, power and equity in a global context through leading theories of climate change, sustainability, and human rights as well as how these issues impact particular communities around the world. One purpose of this course is to enable students to become better equipped to conduct research on pressing issues around the world and be more responsible global citizens.

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