GBST 218
Capital and Coercion
Spring 2025
Division II
D Difference, Power, and Equity
CAOS 218 / ECON 218
Class Details
Private capital, as in tradable ownership shares in long-lived corporations, has connected Europeans with other races, religions, and geographies ever since the early 17th century. There were huge potential profits from such economic interactions across difference, but also risks: of lies, theft, and coercion. This course will introduce students to game theory (trust games, incentives, and signaling) as a framework for analyzing global economic mechanisms in the past. Case studies span the 13th to the 20th century and include: the spice trade in the Indian Ocean before and after European disruption, early capital markets in Amsterdam, enslavement on the West African coast and in Brazil, and colonial control in Java and in Kenya. Readings will be based on primary historical records: business letters, court transcripts, and diaries.
The Class:
Format: seminar
Limit: 15
Expected: 15
Class#: 4028
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Limit: 15
Expected: 15
Class#: 4028
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Students will be evaluated based on active in-class engagement, weekly reading responses or problem sets, a map quiz, four three-page papers, and two in-class presentations.
Econ 110 or permission of instructor.
Enrollment Preferences:
If overenrolled, students will be asked to submit a short statement of interest.
Divison II
Difference, Power, and Equity
This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
CAOS 218 Division II ECON 218 Division II GBST 218 Division II
CAOS 218 Division II ECON 218 Division II GBST 218 Division II
DPE Notes:
This course analyzes the evolution of economic inequity. It investigates how global market opportunities have been shaped by lrace, religion, wealth, and power.
GBST Economic Development Studies
POEC Depth
POEC Depth
Class Grid
Updated 10:34 pm
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GBST 218 - 01 (S) SEM Capital and Coercion
GBST 218 - 01 (S) SEM Capital and CoercionDivision II D Difference, Power, and EquityCancelled4028CancelledNone