GBST Middle Eastern Studies Fall 2024-25
Class Grid
Updated 3:45 am
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CLASSESColumn header 2DREQColumn header 3INSTRUCTORSColumn header 4TIMESColumn header 5CLASS#Column header 6ENROLLColumn header 7CONSENT
AMST 109 - 01 (F) LEC Global Islamophobia
AMST 109 - 01 (F) LEC Global IslamophobiaDivision II Q Quantitative/Formal Reasoning D Difference, Power, and EquityMR 2:35 pm - 3:50 pm
Griffin 21998OpenNone -
ARAB 108 - 01 (F) LEC Global Islamophobia
ARAB 108 - 01 (F) LEC Global IslamophobiaDivision I Q Quantitative/Formal Reasoning D Difference, Power, and EquityMR 2:35 pm - 3:50 pm
Griffin 21999OpenNone -
GBST 106 - 01 (F) LEC Global Islamophobia
GBST 106 - 01 (F) LEC Global IslamophobiaDivision II Q Quantitative/Formal Reasoning D Difference, Power, and EquityMR 2:35 pm - 3:50 pm
Griffin 21997OpenNone -
GBST 373 - 01 (F) SEM Mass Dictatorship
GBST 373 - 01 (F) SEM Mass DictatorshipDivision II D Difference, Power, and EquityCancelled1936CancelledNone
HIST 377 - 01 (F) SEM Mass Dictatorship
HIST 377 - 01 (F) SEM Mass DictatorshipDivision II D Difference, Power, and EquityCancelled1937CancelledNone
LEAD 227 - 01 (F) LEC IR of the Middle East
LEAD 227 - 01 (F) LEC IR of the Middle EastDivision IITR 11:20 am - 12:35 pm
Griffin 41714OpenInst -
PSCI 227 - 01 (F) LEC IR of the Middle East
PSCI 227 - 01 (F) LEC IR of the Middle EastDivision IITR 11:20 am - 12:35 pm
Griffin 41712OpenInst -
REL 113 - 01 (F) LEC Global Islamophobia
REL 113 - 01 (F) LEC Global IslamophobiaDivision II Q Quantitative/Formal Reasoning D Difference, Power, and EquityMR 2:35 pm - 3:50 pm
Griffin 22000OpenNone