Global Challenges, Global Research Winter 2025

Class Details

As part of the Global Scholars Program, this travel course is only to those students admitted to the Global Scholars Program. Each January, students who successfully completed GBST 151 in the Fall will travel with their instructor(s) to a major city around the world. After a short introduction to some of relevant international and political institutions, students will explore specific global questions working with local researchers and centers, based on their academic interests and goals. They will engage with this research to think new concepts and generate innovative questions as they enter and examine the complexities of the always evolving and interconnected world. They will be encouraged to tackle urgent issues and rethink conventional paradigms and thus develop multi-faceted awareness through the task of analyzing and appreciating diverse perspectives and experiences.
The Class: Format: travel; Travel Course. Open only to Global Scholars Fellows.
Limit: 12
Expected: 12
Class#: 1013
Grading: pass/fail only
Requirements/Evaluation: A weekly journal and a final 10 page report.
Prerequisites: Admittance to Global Scholars Program and completion of GBST 151.
Enrollment Preferences: Global Scholars Fellows
Attributes: GBST Urbanizing World
TRVL Winter Study Travel Course

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