Principles of Effective Leadership Winter 2023

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Class Details

This course will examine issues related to effective leadership in a variety of contexts, primarily through the experience of guest lecturers. We will begin by identifying key principles of leadership with reference to several guest leaders in history, moving on to consider contemporary yet timeless topics such as personal responsibility, corruption and fraud in the private sector as well as the essential role good communications skills play in exercising leadership. The majority of class sessions will feature distinguished guest speakers, many of whom are Williams alumni, who have held leadership roles in government, business, philanthropy and healthcare. Probing our guests’ approaches to organizational leadership is the primary goal of this Winter Study. After each lecture, we will spend time in the next class sharing impressions, surprises and lessons learned. There will be a 5-page final paper and 5-minute presentation which may take a variety of forms and formats, but which should address the basic themes in our readings as well as what you have learned from our guests, both collectively and more specifically in the case of at least three individuals.
The Class: Format: lecture
Limit: 25
Expected: NA
Class#: 1194
Grading: pass/fail only
Requirements/Evaluation: Short paper and final project or presentation; In-Class Discussions
Prerequisites: none
Enrollment Preferences: Leadership Studies Department
Unit Notes: William E. Simon, Jr., '73. Businessman, lawyer and philanthropist. Earlier in his career he was Asst. U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of N.Y. and the 2002 California Republican gubernatorial nominee. He is Trustee Emeritus of the College.
Attributes: STUX Winter Study Student Exploration

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