MATH 345
Introduction to Numerical Analysis Spring 2025
Division III Quantitative/Formal Reasoning

Class Details

Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms that use numerical approximation to solve problems which arise in scientific applications. This course provides an introduction to the theory, development, and analysis of algorithms for obtaining numerical solutions. We will also use mathematical software to facilitate numerical experimentation. Topics discussed in the course include: Error Analysis and Convergence Rates of Algorithms; Root Finding for Nonlinear Equations; Approximating Functions; Numerical Differentiation and Integration; Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations; Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems.
The Class: Format: lecture
Limit: 30
Expected: 15
Class#: 3543
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Evaluation will be based on homework, projects, and exams.
Prerequisites: Math 250 and Math 150/151
Enrollment Preferences: Mathematics and Statistics majors.
Distributions: Division III Quantitative/Formal Reasoning
QFR Notes: This is an advanced mathematics class that will cover the fundamental ideas of Numerical Analysis. The students will study in depths various algorithms that provide numerical solutions to various questions in science.

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