MATH 307
Computational Linear Algebra
Last Offered Spring 2023
Division III
Q Quantitative/Formal Reasoning
This course is not offered in the current catalog
Class Details
Linear algebra is of central importance in the quantitative sciences, including application areas such as image and signal processing, data mining, computational finance, structural biology, and much more. When the problems must be solved computationally, approximation, round-off errors, convergence, and efficiency matter, and traditional linear algebra techniques may fail to succeed. We will adopt linear algebra techniques on a large scale, implement them computationally, and apply them to core problems in scientific computing. Topics may include: systems of linear and nonlinear equations; approximation and statistical function estimation; optimization; interpolation; data scraping; singular value decomposition; and more. This course could also be considered a course in numerical analysis or computational science.
The Class:
Format: lecture; This course is taught in a flipped classroom format. Students read and watch lecture videos prior to each class session. The instructor uses class time for discussion and collaborative learning activities. This course will be a good fit for students with a strong interest in applied mathematics and a willingness to devote significant effort to learning/doing computer programming.
Limit: 24
Expected: 24
Class#: 3448
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Limit: 24
Expected: 24
Class#: 3448
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Students will complete regularly assigned activities and problem sets. To move towards a non-hierarchical, transparent, and egalitarian grading system, the instructor combines mastery-based approaches with an ungrading scheme.
MATH 250; CSCI 134 or equivalent prior experience with computer programming (in any language). These prerequisites will be strictly enforced.
Enrollment Preferences:
Preference given to students who need to make use of linear algebra in their major fields of study. First-day attendance is required.
Divison III
Quantitative/Formal Reasoning
QFR Notes:
This course involves developing the formal mathematical language of linear algebra. It also involves using quantitative tools to solve problems relating to a wide range of applications in the physical and social sciences.
Class Grid
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MATH 307 - LEC Computational Linear Algebra
MATH 307 LEC Computational Linear AlgebraDivision III Q Quantitative/Formal ReasoningNot offered