PHYS 321
Introduction to Particle Physics Spring 2025
Division III Q Quantitative/Formal Reasoning

Class Details

The Standard Model of particle physics incorporates special relativity, quantum mechanics, and almost all that we know about elementary particles and their interactions. This course introduces some of the main ideas and phenomena associated with the Standard Model. After a review of relativistic kinematics, we will learn about symmetries in particle physics, relativistic wave equations, elements of quantum field theory, Feynman diagrams, and selected applications of quantum electrodynamics, the weak interactions, and quantum chromodynamics. We will conclude with a discussion of spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism.
The Class: Format: lecture
Limit: 20
Expected: 10
Class#: 3858
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: weekly problem sets, a midterm exam, and a final exam
Prerequisites: PHYS 301
Enrollment Preferences: By seniority
Distributions: Divison III Quantitative/Formal Reasoning
QFR Notes: Exams and problem sets all have a significant quantitative component.

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