Key Trends in US Industrial Reshoring: Economics, Regulations and Capital Markets Winter 2025

Class Details

The trends that are driving industrial reshoring in the United States cross a number of economic, regulatory, and tax policies, which are having major implications for the capital markets that are funding this domestic industrial expansion. This course will examine each of these trends. Specific topics will include: supply chain disruptions; automation; the CHIPS Act; public and private investor relations; and specialty debt funds. In addition to the instructor, a career professional in investment banking and private equity, other experienced professionals in corporate management, state regulation, and capital markets will provide additional insights during the course.
The Class: Format: seminar; Presentations from professionals in relevant fields will supplement class discussion.
Limit: 20
Expected: 15
Class#: 1216
Grading: pass/fail only
Requirements/Evaluation: Group oral presentation about a key topic or case study discussed during the course, plus accompanying written report.
Prerequisites: none
Enrollment Preferences: POEC majors.
Unit Notes: Bill Sprague '80 is Managing Director and Head of the Infrastructure Finance and Advisory Group at Capstone Partners. Prior to Capstone Partners, Bill was previously Chief Executive Officer of Madison Williams and SMH Capital, a full service investment bank.

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Updated 4:33 pm

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