JA SelCom: A Case Study in Selection Processes Winter 2025

Class Details

As a member of SelCom (SELection COMmittee), you will become a cohort with current members of JAAB (the Junior Advisor Advisory Board) to select the next class of JAs. You will participate in every step of the JA application evaluation process — reading written applications, conducting interviews, discussing applicants with SelCom, and deciding on the final makeup of next year’s JA class. Every SelCom member will complete anti-bias training at the beginning of Winter Study; working through biases to make thoughtful evaluations is crucial to this process.This is a fantastic opportunity for students who want to take on a leadership role that requires critical thinking and collaboration. Your input will help to shape the entry system, the JA role, and the very essence of the Williams community in the coming school year. The SelCom schedule is roughly as follows (subject to change). SelCom will likely meet 4-5 days per week. Week 1: SelCom members will undergo anti-bias training and then spend the first week conducting interviews with applicants and cleaning transcripts to ensure readability. Week 2-3: The committee will discuss applications with identifying information blinded to help mitigate bias in the selection process. Week 3-4: SelCom will revisit applications with consideration given to the personal identity of each applicant. The committee will then extend offers to a select number of candidates. Members may reconvene at some point in the spring semester (after the initial round of JA offers have been accepted or rejected) to determine which applicants on the waitlist should receive offers. If you are interested in serving on SelCom during winter study, you must fill out this application form by October 29 at 11:59pm: JAAB will decide which applicants will serve on SelCom and inform all applicants of their application status by the end of the day on Monday, November 3. SelCom applicants who are not selected to serve on SelCom will have until November 12 (winter study registration deadline) to enroll in another winter study course.
The Class: Format: lecture
Limit: 25
Expected: NA
Class#: 1219
Grading: pass/fail only
Requirements/Evaluation: Attendance and active participation
Prerequisites: Anyone wanting to register for the SelCom Winter Study class needs to fill out the application form.
Enrollment Preferences: Open to students who are in the classes of 2025, 2024.5, 2024, 2023.5, and 2023 AND who are not applying for the JA role for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Attributes: EXPE Experiential Education Courses

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