PSCI 245
South African Politics
Last Offered Spring 2021
Division II
This course is not offered in the current catalog
Class Details
The course deals with South African politics since the end of apartheid. The readings will address the politics, policies, and composition of the African National Congress (ANC), the growth of black economic elites and the black middle class, the persistence of poverty and extreme inequality, expanding corruption, and why the ANC continues to dominate politically in spite of unabated poverty and worsening inequality and corruption.
The Class:
Format: seminar
Limit: 10
Expected: 10
Class#: 5453
Grading: yes pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Limit: 10
Expected: 10
Class#: 5453
Grading: yes pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Two 10-12 page papers and class participation.
Enrollment Preferences:
Political Science majors and prospective majors.
Division II
GBST African Studies
Class Grid
Updated 3:20 pm
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CLASSESColumn header 2DREQColumn header 3INSTRUCTORSColumn header 4TIMESColumn header 5CLASS#
PSCI 245 - SEM South African Politics
PSCI 245 SEM South African PoliticsDivision IINot offered