Political Science Winter 2024-25
Class Grid
Updated 8:05 am
Column header 1
CLASSESColumn header 2DREQColumn header 3INSTRUCTORSColumn header 4TIMESColumn header 5CLASS#Column header 6ENROLLColumn header 7CONSENT
PSCI 14 - 01 (W) LEC JA SelCom: A Case Study
PSCI 14 - 01 (W) LEC JA SelCom: A Case StudyCancelled1219CancelledNone
PSCI 15 - 01 (W) LEC Climate Art & Activism
PSCI 15 - 01 (W) LEC Climate Art & ActivismCancelled1220CancelledNone
PSCI 21 - 01 (W) INT Fieldwork in Public Affairs
PSCI 21 - 01 (W) INT Fieldwork in Public AffairsTBA1221ClosedNone
PSCI 22 - 01 (W) STU Learning for Teens (LIFT)
PSCI 22 - 01 (W) STU Learning for Teens (LIFT)TWR 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Wachenheim 1161222OpenNone -
PSCI 23 - 01 (W) LEC The Practice of Politics
PSCI 23 - 01 (W) LEC The Practice of PoliticsJoseph MarkleyMWF 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Hollander 2401223OpenNone -
PSCI 27 - 01 (W) SEM Sup. Ct. Simulation
PSCI 27 - 01 (W) SEM Sup. Ct. SimulationCancelled1224CancelledNone
PSCI 28 - 01 (W) SEM Shakespeare and Law in Movies
PSCI 28 - 01 (W) SEM Shakespeare and Law in MoviesCancelled1225CancelledNone
PSCI 30 - 01 (W) HON Senior Essay:Political Science
PSCI 30 - 01 (W) HON Senior Essay:Political ScienceTBA1226OpenNone
PSCI 31 - 01 (W) HON Sen Thesis: Political Science
PSCI 31 - 01 (W) HON Sen Thesis: Political ScienceTBA1227OpenNone
PSCI 32 - 01 (W) IND Indiv Proj: Political Science
PSCI 32 - 01 (W) IND Indiv Proj: Political ScienceTBA1228OpenNone
PSCI 33 - 01 (W) IND Advanced Study Amer Politics
PSCI 33 - 01 (W) IND Advanced Study Amer PoliticsTBA1229OpenNone
PSCI 34 - 01 (W) STU Jedi Training
PSCI 34 - 01 (W) STU Jedi TrainingRobert Hormann KentM-F 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Greylock Dining Hall
MWF 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Paresky 1121230OpenNone -
PSCI 99 - 01 (W) IND Indep Study: Political Science
PSCI 99 - 01 (W) IND Indep Study: Political ScienceTBA1231OpenNone
PSCI 99 - 02 (W) IND Indep Study: Political Science
PSCI 99 - 02 (W) IND Indep Study: Political ScienceTBA1358OpenNone