Psychology Internships
Winter 2025
Class Details
Would you like to explore applications of psychology in the “real world?” This course gives students an opportunity to work full-time during Winter Study in a mental health, business, education, law, or another setting in which psychological theories and methods are applied to solve problems. Students are responsible for locating their own potential internships whether in the local area, their hometowns, or elsewhere, and are welcome to contact the course instructor for suggestions on how to do this. In any case, all students considering this course must consult with the instructor about the suitability of the internship being considered before the Winter Study registration period. Please prepare a brief description of the proposed placement, noting its relevance to psychology, and the name and contact information of the agency supervisor. Before Thanksgiving break, the student will provide a letter from the agency supervisor which describes the agency, and the student’s role and responsibilities during Winter Study. Enrolled students will meet the instructor before Winter Study to discuss matters relating to ethics and their goals for the course, and after Winter Study to discuss their experiences and reflections.
The Class:
Format: internship
Limit: 20
Expected: NA
Class#: 1233
Grading: pass/fail only
Limit: 20
Expected: NA
Class#: 1233
Grading: pass/fail only
evaluation will be based on a 10-page minimum final paper summarizing the student's experiences and reflections, a journal kept throughout the experience, and the supervisor's evaluation
approval by Kris Kirby is required
Enrollment Preferences:
Students who have taken a PSYC course
STUX Winter Study Student Exploration
Class Grid
Updated 7:12 am
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PSYC 21 - 01 (W) INT Psychology Internships
PSYC 21 - 01 (W) INT Psychology InternshipsTBA1233OpenInst