PSYC 312
From Order to Disorder(s): The Role of Genes & the Environment in Psychopathology
Spring 2025
Division III
NSCI 322
Class Details
This course examines how experimental methods in neuroscience can be used to understand the role of nature (genes) and nurture (the environment) in shaping the brain and behavior. In particular, we will explore how neuroscience informs our understanding of psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. We will investigate the biological underpinning of these disorders as well as their treatments. Readings will include human studies as well as work based on animal models. Topics will include: the ways in which environmental and genetic factors shape risk and resiliency in the context of psychiatric disease, the neural circuits and peripheral systems that contribute to psychopathology, and the mechanisms through which interventions may act. In the laboratory component of the course, students will gain hands-on experience in using animal models to study complex behavior and their associated neural mechanisms.
The Class:
Format: seminar/laboratory
Limit: 16
Expected: 16
Class#: 3731
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Limit: 16
Expected: 16
Class#: 3731
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
class presentations, participation in discussions, project proposal (3 pages), empirical project paper (5-7 pages), poster and poster presentation, weekly quizzes on reading material (graded for completion), participation in all phases of the empirical project research experience (experiment design, data collection, data graphing, data analysis) including oral and written presentation of key findings.
PSYC 212 (same as BIOL 212 or NSCI 201)
Enrollment Preferences:
Psychology majors and Neuroscience concentrators
Divison III
This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
PSYC 312 Division III NSCI 322 Division III
PSYC 312 Division III NSCI 322 Division III
BIGP Courses
NSCI Group B Electives
PSYC Area 1 - Behavioral Neuroscience
PSYC Empirical Lab Course
NSCI Group B Electives
PSYC Area 1 - Behavioral Neuroscience
PSYC Empirical Lab Course
Class Grid
Updated 11:05 am
Column header 1
CLASSESColumn header 2DREQColumn header 3INSTRUCTORSColumn header 4TIMESColumn header 5CLASS#Column header 6ENROLLColumn header 7CONSENT
PSYC 312 - 01 (S) SEM From Order to Disorder(s)
PSYC 312 - 01 (S) SEM From Order to Disorder(s)Division IIITR 8:30 am - 9:45 am
3731ClosedInst -
PSYC 312 - 02 (S) LAB From Order to Disorder(s)
PSYC 312 - 02 (S) LAB From Order to Disorder(s)Division IIIW 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm