Psychology Winter 2024-25
Class Grid
Updated 9:54 pm
Column header 1
CLASSESColumn header 2DREQColumn header 3INSTRUCTORSColumn header 4TIMESColumn header 5CLASS#Column header 6ENROLLColumn header 7CONSENT
PSYC 10 - 01 (W) STU Yoga, Creativity & Mindfulness
PSYC 10 - 01 (W) STU Yoga, Creativity & MindfulnessMary M. EdgertonMWF 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
1232OpenNone -
PSYC 21 - 01 (W) INT Psychology Internships
PSYC 21 - 01 (W) INT Psychology InternshipsTBA1233OpenInst
PSYC 22 - 01 (W) RSC Intro to Research in Psych
PSYC 22 - 01 (W) RSC Intro to Research in PsychTBA1234OpenNone
PSYC 23 - 01 (W) SEM What Comes Next? After College
PSYC 23 - 01 (W) SEM What Comes Next? After CollegeCorinne GreenblattMWR 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
1235OpenNone -
PSYC 25 - 01 (W) SEM Exploring K-12 Education
PSYC 25 - 01 (W) SEM Exploring K-12 EducationSarah Brill
Kaatje WhiteTBA1236OpenNone -
PSYC 26 - 01 (W) SEM Innovating Public Education
PSYC 26 - 01 (W) SEM Innovating Public EducationSimeon StolzbergMWF 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
1321OpenNone -
PSYC 28 - 01 (W) SEM Late-adolescent perpetration
PSYC 28 - 01 (W) SEM Late-adolescent perpetrationMeg BossongWF 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
1237OpenNone -
PSYC 31 - 01 (W) HON Senior Thesis: Psychology
PSYC 31 - 01 (W) HON Senior Thesis: PsychologyTBA1238OpenNone
PSYC 99 - 01 (W) IND Independent Study: Psychology
PSYC 99 - 01 (W) IND Independent Study: PsychologyTBA1239OpenInst