REL 200
What is Religion? Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion Spring 2025
Division II

Class Details

To explore the meaning of religion, this course will introduce the debates around which the discipline of religious studies has been constituted. At stake are questions such as: How does one go about studying religion? Is “religion” a cultural universal? What is religion’s relationship to the “European Enlightenment”? to race? to science? to society? to secularism? to colonialism? to ethics? to politics? to violence? to sex? to freedom? Has religion changed fundamentally in modernity? And if so, what is its future?
The Class: Format: seminar
Limit: 15
Expected: 15
Class#: 3826
Grading: yes pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: class participation, weekly short GLOW post writing assignments, a 5-page midterm paper, and a 10-page final paper
Prerequisites: none, although a previous course on religion is recommended
Enrollment Preferences: Religion majors and prospective majors
Distributions: Division II

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