RLFR 226
Black France/France Noire
Last Offered Spring 2020
Division I Difference, Power, and Equity
Cross-listed AFR 226
This course is not offered in the current catalog

Class Details

On the eve of the new millennium, the year 1998 saw the emergence in France of “Black studies à la française” (Ndiaye). Inspired, in part, by the 150th anniversary of the 1848 abolition of slavery, the French black minority “made itself more visible” (Faes and Smith). This course examines a wide range of discursive practices through which athletes, artists, authors, politicians, activists, and scholars amplified their voices in the French hexagone. It retraces the rise of these discourses and how they assert, reframe, and establish blackness as a legitimate field of knowledge and a space of affirmation and contestation. Following a study of the interwar period (1918-1939), when the work of “negritude women” (Sharpley-Whiting) such as “afro-latinité” spurred the negritude movement, we will discuss publications, documentaries, and seminal moments of protest in the early twenty-first century. Course material may include works by Suzanne Césaire, Jane and Paulette Nardal, Aimé Césaire, Frantz Fanon, Achille Mbembé, Françoise Vergès, Pascal Blanchard, Nicolas Bancel and Sandrine Lemaire, Pap Ndiaye, Gaston Kelman, Rokhaya Diallo, Alice Diop, Léonora Miano, and Fabienne and Véronique Kanor. Conducted in French.
The Class: Format: seminar
Limit: 20
Expected: 12
Class#: 4055
Grading: yes pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: response papers, midterm paper, TV show, colloquium
Prerequisites: RLFR 201, 202, or 203, or by permission of instructor
Enrollment Preferences: French and Africana Studies concentrators
Distributions: Division I Difference, Power, and Equity
Notes: This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
AFR 226 Division II RLFR 226 Division I
DPE Notes: This course satisfies the DPE requirement because it focuses on "the shaping of social differences, dynamics of unequal power, and processes of change" through the lenses of historical colonial legacies, race, gender, citizenship among other questions.

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Updated 7:15 am

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