RLSP 104
Intensive Intermediate Spanish, Upper Level Spring 2025
Division I

Class Details

This course is a continuation of Spanish 103. During the spring semester we resume our work to expand your proficiency in each of the major skill-groups (listening, speaking, reading and writing) while increasing familiarity with the vibrant cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Students in both sections of RLSP 104 can once again expect to sample a variety of written and audiovisual media–poems and short fiction, essays, journalism, blogs and film–to deepen their understanding of Hispanic cultures. However, Section 2 will have a more distinct focus on cinema: we will watch a series of classic and contemporary films and develop the specialized vocabulary and skills needed to analyze them in class discussions and student writing. Regardless of which section you are in, students in Spanish 104 can expect to write regularly and to meet with their professor, teaching associate and classmates in varying combinations for four hours each week. This course is designed to prepare students for further literary and cultural studies in Spanish–including the challenges of study abroad–and to hone communication skills that are increasingly essential in professional fields such as medicine, law, and education. Conducted in Spanish. Más and its accompanying Cuaderno de Práctica will serve as our primary texts. Conducted in Spanish. For students who have not taken Spanish 103 at Williams, the departmental placement exam is required for enrollment in this course.
The Class: Format: seminar; Seminar. Students will spend 4 hours per week in class in engagement with their Professor, Teaching Associate (TA), and classmates. In addition to the regular MWF classes with their Professor, students will meet for one additional hour per week with the TA. As will be explained in the course syllabus and at the first class meeting, this additional hour with the TA will take place at a time (to be decided during the first weeks of class) that is mutually beneficial for the TA and students.
Limit: 20
Expected: 20
Class#: 3760
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Weekly 1- to 2-page compositions, daily homework and class participation, oral reports, midterm exams and a final exam.
Prerequisites: RLSP 103 or by Spanish placement exam or permission of instructor.
Enrollment Preferences: If the course is over-subscribed, priority will be given to first-year students and others with a demonstrable commitment to study of Spanish.
Distributions: Divison I

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