THEA 239
Introduction to Dramaturgy: The Art & Practice of Storytelling Fall 2024
Division I W Writing Skills

Class Details

The dramaturg is a storyteller and major collaborator in theatre. Working as part of an artistic ensemble, the dramaturg helps to tell a story, shape a theatrical production, and facilitate the rewarding process of creating a world on stage. This seminar/studio course will introduce students to the fundamentals of dramaturgy, including: new play development, production research, literary management, educational outreach, criticism/journalism, community engagement, and translation/adaptation. Assignments over the term will be hands-on, practical, creative, and project-based and include independent writing, research, and oral presentation. We will write, and we will revise. We will also read plays and discuss urgent topics in the theatre industry. During some terms, students may be invited to participate as dramaturgs on Theatre Department productions. As a culminating project, students will complete a creative written adaptation and accompanying dramaturgical casebook for a source of their choosing. Students may be asked to attend live performances and exhibitions when relevant.
The Class: Format: studio; This is a studio course with a strong emphasis on writing and research, both critical and creative.
Limit: 10
Expected: 10
Class#: 1948
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Assignments will be project-based and will range from making image galleries to writing program notes and an educational study guide. In-class writing and participation in class discussion is required. A major project over the term will include the formation and assembly of a dramaturgy casebook, including: research and historical summary; timeline; artist's bio; educational guide; image gallery; program note; community outreach strategy; lobby design; critical/theoretical perspective; and creative adaptation.
Prerequisites: none
Enrollment Preferences: if overenrolled, preference will be given to declared Theatre majors followed by prospective Theatre majors
Distributions: Divison I Writing Skills
WS Notes: This course fulfills the Writing Intensive distribution by requiring students to write for both public audiences and more internal-facing communities. Students will write several short critical pieces intended for lobby displays, programs, educational settings, and more journalistic venues. In addition, they will write and develop a short creative adaptation. All writing will receive feedback from both the instructor and class peers prior to its required revision.

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