THEA 206
Directing for the Stage
Spring 2025
Division I
Class Details
An introduction to the resources available to the Stage Director for translating interpretive concepts into stageworthy physical realization. Kinetic and visual directorial controls, as well as textual implications and elements of dramatic structure, and strategies of working with actors and other collaborators will be studied in detail. Most assignments will involve hands-on directing projects presented in class for collective critique.
The Class:
Format: studio
Limit: 10
Expected: 8
Class#: 3197
Grading: no pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Limit: 10
Expected: 8
Class#: 3197
Grading: no pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
committed participation in the preparation and performance of production exercises; there will be some written assignments
Theatre 101 or permission of instructor
Enrollment Preferences:
Theatre majors and prospective Theatre majors
Divison I
Class Grid
Updated 6:40 am
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THEA 206 - 01 (S) STU Directing for the Stage
THEA 206 - 01 (S) STU Directing for the StageDivision IW 1:10 pm - 3:50 pm