THEA 227
Diversity Through Performance Spring 2025
Division I

Class Details

Theatre can be viewed not be a destination but a vehicle in which we can embark upon a journey of storytelling. Audiences and performers take away inspirations, dreams, and hopes, all the while experiencing new voices and realizing progressive change. In this tutorial, students will create and explore a stage character who might seem strange, foreign, or unacceptable to the cultural beliefs. Who you are performing on stage is not you! It is a character for the audience to reflect upon. By exploring and analyzing human nature to develop their character, students will examine how people form beliefs, make choices, and ultimately, act. Performers do not have to be aligned with or support the beliefs of the character they play. Each student will conclude their exploration by writing a script and presenting the essence of their research in a brief performance that portrays the character based on the student’s imagination, experience, or drama literature.
The Class: Format: tutorial/laboratory
Limit: 10
Expected: 10
Class#: 4050
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: None
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Preferences: preference based on class seniority, and to students who have taken Acting Fundamentals
Distributions: Divison I

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