THEA 315
Inhabited Theatrical Environments: Scenic Design for Performance
Last Offered Fall 2022
Division I
ARTS 313
This course is not offered in the current catalog
Class Details
How do you develop a point of view and translate it to the stage? What is an effectively inhabited space for performance? We will explore the different ways a scenic environment provides the visual foundation for live theatrical events in theaters as well as site-specific shows. In addition to working intuitively, this course combines critical readings of texts to contextualize works for the current moment. Research will be at the center of our work — deepening skills to source, curate, and present personal points of view as designers and creators. This work will serve to expand our imaginations to the aesthetic possibilities of performance. Students will also develop a basic knowledge of model building and drafting. Class time is a combination of discussions of theatrical texts, student project presentations, and studio work.
The Class:
Format: studio/laboratory
Limit: 10
Expected: 8
Class#: 1818
Grading: no pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Limit: 10
Expected: 8
Class#: 1818
Grading: no pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Creative projects preparation and presentation. Active participation in class and critique sessions. Occasional writing assignments to accompany design work.
Enrollment Preferences:
Theatre majors
Materials/Lab Fee:
Up to $125 in studio costs.
Divison I
This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
ARTS 313 Division I THEA 315 Division I
ARTS 313 Division I THEA 315 Division I
Class Grid
Updated 5:21 am
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THEA 315 - STU Scenic Design
THEA 315 STU Scenic DesignDivision INot offered